SCITEC @ Training School "Aerogels for biomedical applications”

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SCITEC @ Training School "Aerogels for biomedical applications”

Alfio Pulvirenti a research fellow at CNR-SCITEC Milan,  at NMRLab, represented the CNR at the European Training School - Aerogels for Biomedical Applications, held in Leuven (Belgium), on 7-10 June 2022.

Alfio received a grant for taking a talk and poster presentation on "Polysaccharides-based hydrogels as smart drug delivery systems to enhance Wound Healing applications". Grateful to the Organizing Committees of the AERoGELS COST Action, the EPNOE Association, and ku-leuven for the opportunity & funding, to the supervisor Antonella C. Boccia for the great support, and to Milena Brasca and Tiziana Silvetti of the CNR-ISPA in Milan for the collaboration. Congratulation Alfio!!


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