2004-Master degree in Food Science and Technology at the University of Milan, Italy. Vote110/110.
Researcher with fellowship and grant since 2005 and fixed-term researcher since 2014 at CNR-ISMAC, NMR laboratory in Milan
since 2018-permanent researcher at CNR-ISMAC lab. NMR in Milan and from 2019 she continues her research activity at CNR-SCITEC in Milan.
2020-2022: sPATIAL3 - "Improvement of agri-food production and innovative technologies for a healthier, safer and more sustainable diet". Project financed by the REGIONE LOMBARDIA. Call- Research and Innovation Hub. Coordinator Dr. Francesca Sparvoli. Laura Ruth Cagliani is active member for the acquisition and processing of NMR spectra of food matrices and plant extracts and for chemometrics.
2018-2021: FARM INN – “Farm-level interventions supporting dairy industry innovation”. AGER project (AGER-2 rif. 2017/1130). Coordinator Dr. Milena Brasca. Laura Ruth Cagliani is active member in the NMR analysis of acqueous and organic extracts of milk and cheese samples and in the chemometric analysis of NMR data.
2017-2020: InFlaMe –“ Improvement of secondary metabolites production for human health by flax cell in vitro technology”. CARIPLO project, Call- Integrated research on industrial biotechnologies 2016, Grant 2016-0700. Coordinator Dr. Monica Mattana. Laura Ruth Cagliani is active member in the NMR characterization of secondary metabolites from flax cell culture extracts and usefull for human health.
Metabolomics, Chemometrics, Agrifood, Nutraceutics, Dissemination, NMR spectroscopy
High resolution NMR techniques in solution, Metabolomics, Chemometrics, Food quality and authenticity, Nutraceutics
Research Groups
NMR Laboratory