
Conservation embraces all those actions aimed at the preservation of our cultural heritage for future generations. It covers many facets of material science and analytical chemistry.

SCITEC contributes to the research in conservation science through the development of analytical strategies aimed at monitoring conservation treatments and evaluating performances of cleaning, protection and consolidation materials.

The analytical strategy is founded on a multi-analytical approach using complementary techniques working at different scale lengths, from the macro to the microscale, probing surface and sub-surface chemical properties.

Noninvasive techniques available at SCITEC offer a powerful tool to follow in real-time the effect of cleaning treatments or for long-term monitoring of protection and consolidation materials. More in deep studies are carried out by micro-scale analyses to study the systems at microscopic level.


  • Surface and sub-surface monitoring
  • Material assessment for cleaning, protection and consolidation
  • non-invasive spectroscopy
  • micro-vibrational spectroscopy
  • SERS
  • synchrotron radiation-based X-ray methods
  • micro-/macro-scale hyperspectral imaging
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