The main research activities include the synthesis of:
i) polymers and copolymers from linear and cyclic olefins using homogeneous Ziegler - Natta catalysts. ii) block copolymers by anionic polymerization. iii) in situ polymerization of nanotubes or graphene and cyclic olefins and alpha olefins. iv) polymers from vegetable oils and terpenes (R- and S-limonene, limonene oxide). v) polymers with a high sulfur content. vi) polymers from CO2 and epoxides. vii) study of the microstructure of polymers by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and study of the polymerization mechanism.
1) "Advanced POLymers from CO2 and Limonene Oxide as sustainable feedstock (APOLLO)" provided by the Cariplo Foundation under the theme "Integrated Research on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy. Coordinator. 2017-2019
2) "Sustainable chemical products and processes for the Lombard industry" (SUSCHEMLombardia)CNR-Lombardy Region Framework Agreement. Coordinator. 2013-2015
3) "Synthesis and characterization of polymers from monomeric units derived from oils or cellulose" VELICA Notice from the Lombardy Region. Participant. 2011-2013
1) “Advanced POLymers from CO2 and Limonene Oxide as sustainable feedstock (APOLLO)” erogato da Fondazione Cariplo nell’ambito della tematica “Ricerca Integrata Sulle Biotecnologie Industriali E Sulla Bioeconomia. Coordinatore. 2017-2019
2) “Prodotti e processi chimici sostenibili per l’industria lombarda” (SUSCHEMLombardia) Accordo Quadro CNR-Regione Lombardia. Coordinatore. 2013-2015
3) “Sintesi e caratterizazione di polimeri da unità monomeriche derivate dagli oli o dalla cellulosa” VELICA Bando Regione Lombardia. Partecipante. 2011-2013.
Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, Synthesis of building block from renewable sources. Synthesis of polymers from fossil and renewable sources, study of the correlation (micro) structure-properties.
Competenze Scientifiche
Catalysis and Polymer Synthesis, Study of the correlation (micro)structure and properties
Gruppi di ricerca
Green Polymers Lab