SCITEC Projects
SCITEC Projects
SCITEC Projects
Functional 3D architectures for electrochemiluminescence applications - 3D-FARE
3D-FARE is aimed to demonstrate a proof of principle for a novel platform for the highly sensitive detection biomarkers. The system merges complementary expertise where ultrabright Ir luminophores are associated to the 3D-FARE electrodes containing open porous structures and concur to the generation of intense...
Immunomodulatory properties of the Amniotic Stromal cell SEcretome: from Multi-omics profiling to nanotechnoLogy-aided delivery for controlled release in osteoarthritis - ASSEMbLe
Aim of the project is to provide significant advancements to the knowledge on the molecular complexity underlying the anti-inflammatory/immunomodulatory properties of the secretome of mesenchymal stromal cells isolated from human term placenta...
Healthier meat products with less saturated fat, and novel utilization of excess animal fat combined with carbohydrate-rich side streams - AnimalFatPlus
Norwegian food systems need to be transformed to deliver sustainable healthy diets. The project AnimalFat+ addresses the challenges facing the meat industry; 1) how to decrease the content of saturated fat in processed meat products without compromising sensory quality...
Practical training between Academia and Industry during doctoral studies, ADMA2, Anu Sirvio (University of Oulu, FI), partecipante, 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2021.
Advanced Engineering and Research of aeroGels for Environment and Life Sciences (AERoGELS)
Tipo progetto: COST action (CA18125).
Periodo: 30/04/2019 – 29/04/2023.
Coordinatore: Carlos A. Garcia Gonzalez – Action chair
“Alterazioni metaboliche, stress cellulari e processi neurodegenerative”-AMANDA
Aggregation modulators of functional amyloids: silk fibroin as an inexpensive model for the investigation of the Alzheimer Disease pathogenesis - AMYLOIDS
Aberrant protein aggregation, such as amyloidogenesis, is associated with many neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Most proteins can adopt an amyloid state, in which the protein backbone forms a cross-β-sheet structure capable of...
Antimicrobial peptides loaded inhalable calcium phosphates nanoparticles for the counteraction of antibiotic resistance: towards a new therapy for respiratory infections - AppliCare
Antibiotic resistance (AMR) is one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity. In the last two decades, respiratory bacteria have increasingly becoming resistant to several antibiotics, and the prevalence of resistant strains is growing rapidly...
Tecnologia per Celle Solari Bifacciali ad alta efficienza a 4 terminali per “utility scale” - BEST-4U
Il progetto Best4U si pone come obbiettivo la ricerca industriale finalizzata a trovare soluzioni per incrementare l’efficienza dei moduli fotovoltaici oltre il 25%, e migliorare la bifaccialità, perché questo riduce il BOS significativamente e riduce lo LCOE...
An Open Innovation Test Bed for Nano-Enabled Bio-Based PUR Foams and Composites - BIOMAT
BIOMAT is a highly innovative 4-year European Project aiming to establish an Open Innovation Test Bed (BIOMAT-TB) for providing services to a wide range of European industries and SMEs in order to accelerate and facilitate the uptake of innovation in nano-enabled...
BODIPY-RS coordinator 2018-2020
BIKE - BImetallic catalysts Knowledge-based development for Energy applications,
H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018, Coordinator: Vladimiro Dal Santo,
1.4.2019 – 31.3.2023.
2018-2020 Progetto Bilaterale CNR/NRC Egitto.
“Disegno, sintesi e valutazione biologica di nuovi calconi-fibrati come agonisti di PPAR-a"
Responsabile Dr Francesca Sciandra.
2019-2021 Progetto Bilaterale CNR/CINVESTAV Messico.
Identifying dystroglycan binding partners in the cellular nucleus: proteomic analysis of beta-DG nuclear interactors.
Fondazione Fibrosi Cistica FFC#20/2018 “Biocompatible and inhalable antimicrobial-loaded nanoparticles for the counteraction of biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance: towards a potential new therapy for CF related infections”.
Antibiotic Resistance;M.Sanguinetti (Università Cattolica), 2018-2020.
BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE - Developing and Implementing Sustainability - Based
Solutions for Bio-Based Plastic Production and Use to Preserve Land and Sea Environmental Quality in Europe - 2019-2023
BioFloc - Nuovi bioflocculanti ecosostenibili per il trattamento delle acque - 2019-2021
Targeting baCteriAl cell eNvelope of Nosocomial paThogens to ESKAPE resistance" - CANNOT-ESKAPE
CANNOT-ESKAPE project targets the three most scary multidrug resistant bacteria belonging to the ESKAPE family of pathogens, K. pneumoniae, A. baumannii and P. aeruginosa, which are the leading cause of hospital infections globally and are reported by WHO as the greatest...
Chromium catalysis: from fundamental understanding to functional aliphatic polymers - Cr4FUN
Cr4FUN aims at designing, synthetizing, and characterizing homogeneous and heterogeneous chromium-based catalysts for addressing two key targets in the New Plastic Economy: a) the production of aliphatic polymers with high performance and increased...
Towards a CHeap and portable InstRument for bioAnaLysis based on enAntiospecific luminescence and aBsorption essays - CHIRALAB
The ambitious goal: to set up a revolutionary prototype instrument for bioanalyses based on chiroptical spectroscopies, employing only modern optoelectronic devices, i.e. avoiding expensive items for producing and detecting circularly polarized (CP) and monochromatic light (sources, polarization modulators, detectors)...
Dagli scarti lignocellulosici a prodotti di alto valore nutrizionale (Omega-3) e ambientale via microalghe - CENOMA
The aim of this project is to develop fermentation processes for the production of omega-3 with microalgal strains capable of growing in heterotrophic conditions, using the carbohydrates of the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic residues, both of cellulose and...
CItrus waste ReCycLing for added value products - CIRCLE
Citrus waste recycling for added value products -project aims at facing a specific issue of the citrus processing industry: the management of high loads of solid waste, mainly composed of peel, pulps and seeds. With a circular economy approach, focused on the efficient use...
Conjugated Poymers project (2018-2020), Coordinator
CBRN CoE P65, “Strengthening chemical and biological waste management in Central Asia countries for improved security and safety risk mitigation” - CABICHEM,
Contract IFS/2017/388-397, finanziato dalla Commissione Europea
Coordinatore Unità CNR M. Guidotti - Work Package 4;
“Computationally-Based Imaging of Structure in Materials”– Grant PIRE (National Science Foundation’s Partnerships for International Research and Education) Number 1743748 CuBISM – Dr. Kenneth Shull (Northwestern University) – Collaboratore internazionale, co-supervisor di un Dottorato congiunto con la Northwestern University di Chicago – 2017-2022.
Responsabile SCITEC: Simona Fantacci
Composti a transizione ottica per concentratori solari innovativi
Tipo progetto: Contratto di Ricerca con RSE spa Periodo: 2020
Coordinatore: M. Pasini, F. Galeotti
Multi valorization of silverskin, a residue of the coffee roasting industry” CirCo,
Coordinatore N. Ravasio,
Cariplo-Innovhub SSI,
Ministero per le Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali, MIPAAF, “Difesa da organismi nocivi in Olivicoltura tradizionale e intensiva” – DIOL,
prot. no. 23774;
01/10/2017 – 30/09/2020
ECU-Nanoparticles Project - Preparazione di nanoparticelle polimeriche processabili da mezzi acquosi per dispositivi optoelettronici ed elettronici
Tipo progetto: Eni Corporate University (ECU)
Coordinatore: Stefania Zappia,
Periodo: 11/2018- 10/2021
Enhancement of CO2 for co-ter-polymers. ENI contract.
Dr. Simona Losio and Dr. Laura Boggioni, coordinator, 2019-2020
E-HUD Tipo progetto: MISE – subcontractor MTA Spa
Periodo: 2018-2021
Coordinatore: M. Pasini, F. Galeotti, U. Giovanella
H2020 “The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Preparatory Phase”, ERIHS-PP, partecipante, 2017-2020
Coordinator SCITEC: Laura Cartechini
Efficient Structures and Processes for Reliable Perovskite Solar Modules” – H2020- LCE-2017-RES-RIA- ESPResSo – Dr. Tom Aernouts – 2018-2021.
Coordinator SCITEC: Edoardo Mosconi
Fabbricazione e caratterizzazione Foto-Fisica di dispositivi OPV
Tipo progetto: progetto di ricerca conto terzi finanziato da ENI spa
Periodo: 2018-2020
Coordinatore: Silvia Luzzati
Farm-level interventions supporting dairy industry innovation
Tipo progetto: AGER
Periodo: 1/9/2018 - 31/8/2021
Coordinatore: Milena Brasca
Thermophilic bacterial and archaeal chassis for extremolyte production - HotSolute
This ERA-CoBiotech project is developing thermophilic in vitro enzyme cascades as well as two new chassis, the thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus (Tth, 65-75°C, pH 7.0) and the thermoacidophilic archaeon Sulfolobus acidocaldarius (Saci, 75-80°C, pH 2-4) ...
HYDROGEX - A Peptide Hydrogel Platform for Extracellular Vesicles Isolation and Multimodal Analysis.
Avviso congiunto per la concessione di contributi a sostegno del trasferimento della conoscenza nel settore dei Materiali avanzati;
Fondazione Cariplo - Regione Lombardia; Partecipanete
rif. 2018-1720.
“Individuation of the S100B protein as a therapeutic target in multiple sclerosis pathogenic processes”
Responsabile Prof. Fabrizio Michetti
“Improvement of industrial catalysis based on cobalt chloride for the homo- and co-polymerization of conjugated diolefins"
Research contract SCITEC-Km Engineering
Resp. Giovanni Ricci, coordinator,
December 24, 2019 – December 23, 2020.
Integrated nanoparticle isolation and detection system for complete on-chip analysis of exosomes - INDEX
The aim of Project INDEX is to isolate and characterize nanoparticles available in bodily fluids through the development and integration of novel technological breakthroughs. The technology will enable the analysis of clinically valuable nanoparticles...
INnovazione, nuovi modelli TEcnologici e Reti per curare la SLA - INTERSLA
INTERSLA si avvale di una consolidata rete di eccellenze in ricerca di base, clinica e industriale in grado di affrontare in modo innovativo il progetto. Obiettivo generale è ampliare la conoscenza della patogenesi della SLA mediante un approccio preclinico-clinico...
InnoGly - Innovation with Glycans: new frontiers from synthesis to new biological targets
Coordinated by Prof. L. Lay- Management Committee
IPERION-HS (Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science, Commissione europea GA 871039) Aprile 2020
SCITEC Contact: Brenda Doherty
InFlaMe Improvement of secondary metabolites production for human health by flax cell in vitro technology
Tipo progetto: CARIPLO
Periodo: 01/09/2017- 31/08/20
Coordinatore: Monica Mattana
H2020 “Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science”, IPERION- HS, (Luca Pezzati CNR-INO), 2020-2023
task leader Molab Provision SCITEC, : Francesca Rosi
Leonardo Automated Manufacturing Processes for cOmposites - LAMPO
L’ attività di ricerca SCITEC riguarda lo studio di formulazioni polimeriche, utilizzabili come precursori di fibre di carbonio, con l'obiettivo di migliorare la processabilità delle fibre ed evitare solventi tossici per l'ambiente e gli operatori...
LEvulinic acid Valorization through Advanced Novel TEchnologies - LEVANTE
The full exploitation of non-food biomass sources represents a fundamental step to pursue the transition from a linear economy to a circular and more sustainable one. One of the most promising platform chemicals derived from lignocellulose is levulinic acid (LA)...
LIFE - “Lab on fIber technology For advanced optical nanoprobes”
Coordinator: Prof. Andrea Cusano
“MagicBullet Reloaded” H2020 ITN Networks
Coordinator Prof. N. Sewald (Università di Bielefeld)
Evolving reversible immunocapture by membrane sensing peptides: towards scalable extracellular vesicles isolation - MARVEL
MARVEL mission is to combine and implement reversible capturing and peptide science, towards the first and best performing ever affinity-based technology for scalable small Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) isolation...
European Magnetometry Network MAGNET,
EIT KIC Raw Materials (UE), Project Agreement N. 16207,
“Nanoplatforms for enhanced immune responses”
MIUR project, PRIN 2015 (2015RNWJAM)
Coordinator: Prof. Massimo Olivucci research unit, University of Siena
Glyco-Nanoparticles for Applications in Advanced Nanomedicine - NanoCarb
The advance of nanomedicine requires the development of novel materials with tailored properties, controlled circulation, optimal targeting and therapeutic efficacy after administration. Nanomaterials engineered with glycans offer...
Individuation of the S100B protein as a therapeutic target in multiple sclerosis pathogenic processes - NaEPF
S100B is a calcium/zinc-binding protein secreted by mature astrocytes, associated, at high levels, with nervous tissue injury in a variety of neuropathological processes, including Multiple Sclerosis in the acute phase. An increased expression of S100B has been observed...
Molecular Probes for Early Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases by 19F Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Techniques
New tracers that can deliver 19F to amyloid plaques or detect metabolic brain disorder associated with ND are designed, synthesized ans tested in vitro and in vivo. In particular two sets of tracers, either purely organic and containing metals, are investigated with the aim to...
responsabile: Pierangelo Metrangolo (Politecnico di Milano)
Automated in-line separation and detection of extracellular vesicles for liquid biopsy applications - NEXUS
The NEXUS project will develop an easily customizable integrated platform to enable Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) separation, purification, and multivariate characterization from complex biofluids. EVs enclose a heterogeneous group of cell-released...
NEPTUNE - "waterborNE PolyureThanes from sUstaiNable fEedstocks"
Cariplo Foundation in the context of scientific and technological research on advanced materials - 2017-2020.
Polymer mETamateriALs for nanophotonicS - PETALS
PETALS introduces polymer science in the field of optical metamaterials for photonics. Metamaterials are artificial structures where properties are mainly defined by architecture rather than composition. For photonic applications a local structure of ca. 10 nm - the meta-atom - responsible for...
Superfici autodecontaminanti con proprietà biocide: perossidi immobilizzati per spazi comuni più sicuri - PerBiocid
Il Progetto intende sviluppare film polimerici sottili in grado di: - immobilizzare superficialmente specie con attività biocida; - mantenere la capacità di generazione di specie ossidanti e radicaliche nel tempo; - rilasciare le specie attive a contatto con...
POlarization-SEnsitive Imaging Detectors with Organic Nanostructured coatings - POSEIDON
The development of compact on-chip polarization sensitive detectors is crucial for many advanced detection systems since polarimetry provides complex information that other techniques cannot give. This project aims to add polarimetric capability to imaging cameras by the development of an organic coating based on...
Understanding and controlling defect photophysics for stable and efficient lead-free perovskite solar cells
Among candidates possibly replacing lead in perovskites solar cells, only tin halide perovskites (THP) have shown significant device efficiencies. Enabling successful application of such materials still requires critical improvements of efficiencies and stability. Two of the main challenges to be overcome are...
Low cost functionalized spiro-derivatives for the hole extraction and passivation of perovskite surface
The project aims to develop new p-type organic semiconductors characterized by the presence of easily attainable spiro-linkages between two identical or different π-conjugated systems to be used as hole-transporting materials in perovskite solar cells. We will target good...
“Piattaforma tecnologica per lo sviluppo di sonde innovative in ambito biomedicale”,
SIDAM s.r.l.,
Polymer photovoltaic cells from water-alcohol solutions
MAECI Project
"Polymerization of olefines and diolefines by means of transition metal based catalytic systems”
PIVOT - Sulfur-based Polymers from Inverse Vulcanization as high refractive index materials for all-polymer planar phOTonic crystals - 2018-2020
ROPEVEMI - “Rotomoulding con polietilene verniciabile assistito da micronde”,
Capo Progetto SLIDE s.r.l., - 2020-2022.
ReInvent - Novel products for Construction and Automotive industries based on bio materials and natural Fibers
European Horizon 2020 project. BBI Joint Industries. CNR Coordinator.
READy Network - REgionAle per lo sviluppo di metodi Diagnostici in risposta rapida a epidemie emergenti e bioemergenze
ID 229472 (Regione Lombardia Accordi per la Ricerca e l'Innovazione)
RawMaterials@Schools - ESEE funded by European Institute of Innovation and Technology - 2020-2022
RAISESEE - Raw Materials Students Internships in East South East Europe (EIT RIS activity related to action line I
Vladimiro Dal Santo, coordinatore,
1.4.2017 - 31.12.2019.
RM@Schools3.0- Raw Matters Ambassadors at Schools
Coordinator: Armida Torreggiani (ISOF-CNR),
1.1.2018 - 31.3.2021.
Revealing the molecular mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 interaction with membranes to design inhibitors of viral entry and replication
Infection by envelope viruses is mediated by fusion proteins on the virus surface and requires exposure of a fusion peptide (FP), which inserts into the target membrane. SARS-CoV-1 FP contains critical conserved acidic residues, binds calcium ions, and...
RAISE - RawMaterials Students Internships,
Coordinator: Paolo Dambruoso (ISOF-CNR),
1.7.2019 - 31.12.2021.
Sustainable Preservation Strategies for Street Art - SuPerStAr
Il progetto PRIN-2020 SUPERSTAR Sustainable Preservation Strategies for Street Art si pone come obiettivo la definizione di linee guida innovative per la strategia di conservazione della street art, finalizzate a salvaguardare il suo potente messaggio sociale e culturale in tutto il contesto urbano. Nel progetto sarà ottimizzata una...
Synthesis and biomedical applications of tumor targeting peptidomimetics and conjugates
Peptides are emerging as ideal antitumor drugs, mainly because of their specificity and low off-target effects. The poor pharmacokinetic properties of peptides, including plasma stability, can be overcome by using peptidomimetics, while retaining peptide versatility and feasibility...
Sustainable recovery and biotechnological valorization of medicinal plants wastes - STAIRWAy
The aim of the STAIRWAy research project is to develop sustainable recovery procedures of valuable natural compounds from wastes of industrial production processes of medicinal plants...
Synthesis and characterization of sulfur-rich polymers with elastomeric behavior.
ENI contract. 2016-2020
SOAVE - Seed and vegetable Oils Active Valorization through Enzymes)
Bando Congiunto Ricerca integrata sulle biotecnologie industriali e sulla bioeconomia – edizione 2017; finanziato dalla fondazione CARIPLO
Dr Serra Stefano - Responsabile UR
SdA - Strategie d'Azzardo-Progetto rivolto alla popolazione studentesca e over 65 - 2019-2021
H2020 “Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud, SSHOC, 2019-2022
SCITEC Contact: Laura Cortechini
PON-Potenziamento dei Nodi Italiani in E-RIHS, SHINE, 2019-2022
Coordinator SCITEC: Francesca Rosi
SMP Genova - Attività di trasferimento tecnologico
SmartMatLab CENTRE – “‘Laboratorio multifunzionale e centro di formazione per la caratterizzazione e la sperimentazione pre-applicativa di smart-materials
Regione Lombardia and CARIPLO foundation - Coordinator Prof. E. Selli, Dr. A. Orbelli Biroli,
SUS&FLEX: Nuovi materiali avanzati organici ed ibridi processabili da soluzioni acquose per celle solari organiche a basso impatto ambientale.
Ministero degli affari esteri e della cooperazione internazionale (MAECI), cooperazione Italia/ Messico
Coordinatore: Guido Scavia
Periodo: 01/01/2018-31/12/2020
Miglioramento delle Produzioni Agroalimentari e Tecnologie Innovative per un’Alimentazione più Sana, Sicura e Sostenibile - Spatials3
Dalla produzione primaria degli alimenti alla trasformazione degli ingredienti, dal packaging alla sicurezza alimentare, passando per la validazione funzionale sull’uomo di prodotti nutrizionalmente innovativi, fino alla creazione di strumenti digitali per...
Targeting the interaction between SARS-CoV-2 and host cells as a potential anti-viral strategy - TRACER
Coronaviruses use specific protein-protein interactions (PPIs) to subvert the host-cell physiology and to promote replication and spreading. This peculiarity can be exploited for the design of anti-viral compounds, as antivirals perturbing PPIs are less prone to resistance...
TRAPping tumor growth: designing molecules to perturb the chaperone TRAP1, from enzymatic activities to cell-cell interaction
Chemical targeting of biomolecular organization to regulate cellular signaling is a fascinating goal. The key challenge is to design chemical tools able to selectively interfere with functional substates, partner interactions, downstream effects of proteins...
TargHed - “Targeting Hedgehog pathway: Virtual screening identification and sustainable synthesis of novel Smo and Gli inhibitors and their pharmacological drug delivery strategies for improved therapeutic affects in tumors”,
PRIN2017, Coordinator Prof. Giancarlo Fabrizi, 2019-2022
TSLPIUC - Analysis of the molecular basis of long TSLP activity in the immunopathology of ulcerative colitis , 2017-2019
“Tumor-targeting peptidomimetics: synthesis and bio-medical applications”
PRIN2015 Coordinator: Prof. C. Gennari (Università di Milano) – 2017-2020.
VIPCAT - Value Added Innovative Protocols for Catalytic Transformations.
Progetto di ricerca finanziato dalla Regione Lombardia presentato nell’ambito della Call “Accordi per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione cofinanziata dal POR FESR 2014-2020”, ID progetto 228775.
VOCWO3 - “Theoretical study of WO3 surface reactivity towards oxygenated volatile organic compounds”
Dr. R. Soave - CINECA-ISCRAC HP10CGSFJF– 2020.
Identificazione di nuove molecole con potenziale terapeutico per la cura del virus "Zika" ed altri virus emergenti-Progetto Regione lazio - ZIKA
Le proteine non-strutturali dei Flavivirus rappresentano un target promettente per lo sviluppo di nuove molecole con potenziale terapeutico per la cura del virus Zika. Recentemente numerose informazioni strutturali relative a NS5 metiltransferasi,...