


Le fonti rinnovabili di energia , idrogeno verde, dispositivi high-tech e a basso costo che utilizzano materiali smart avanzati sono al centro della "rivoluzione verde" che sta guidando l'economia e la crescita mondiale. SCITEC sta lavorando allo studio e implementazione di materiali organici e ibridi e di tecnologie intelligenti rilevanti nel campo delle energie rinnovabili, dell'efficienza energetica e della conversione, cattura e accumulo dell'energia
Le competenze interdisciplinari presenti in SCITEC operano sinergicamente nel modeling, sviluppo e caratterizzazione di materiali e processi innovativi, e nel perseguire la fabbricazione e validazione di prototipi di dispositivi.


Functional 3D architectures for electrochemiluminescence applications - 3D-FARE

Functional 3D architectures for electrochemiluminescence applications - 3D-FARE

3D-FARE is aimed to demonstrate a proof of principle for a novel platform for the highly sensitive detection biomarkers. The system merges complementary expertise where ultrabright Ir luminophores are associated to the 3D-FARE electrodes containing open porous structures and concur to the generation of intense...

Tecnologia per Celle Solari Bifacciali ad alta efficienza a 4 terminali per “utility scale” - BEST-4U

Tecnologia per Celle Solari Bifacciali ad alta efficienza a 4 terminali per “utility scale” - BEST-4U

Il progetto Best4U si pone come obbiettivo la ricerca industriale finalizzata a trovare soluzioni per incrementare l’efficienza dei moduli fotovoltaici oltre il 25%, e migliorare la bifaccialità, perché questo riduce il BOS significativamente e riduce lo LCOE...

Towards a CHeap and portable InstRument for bioAnaLysis based on enAntiospecific luminescence and aBsorption essays - CHIRALAB

Towards a CHeap and portable InstRument for bioAnaLysis based on enAntiospecific luminescence and aBsorption essays - CHIRALAB

The ambitious goal: to set up a revolutionary prototype instrument for bioanalyses based on chiroptical spectroscopies, employing only modern optoelectronic devices, i.e. avoiding expensive items for producing and detecting circularly polarized (CP) and monochromatic light (sources, polarization modulators, detectors)...

Low cost functionalized spiro-derivatives for the hole extraction and passivation of perovskite surface

Low cost functionalized spiro-derivatives for the hole extraction and passivation of perovskite surface

The project aims to develop new p-type organic semiconductors characterized by the presence of easily attainable spiro-linkages between two identical or different π-conjugated systems to be used as hole-transporting materials in perovskite solar cells. We will target good...

Innovative water and CO2 REDuction photo-CATalysts by computational design - PHOTOCAT

Innovative water and CO2 REDuction photo-CATalysts by computational design - PHOTOCAT

This project aims at developing a radically novel class of photoactive semiconductors with unique optical and electronic properties. In particular, the main object of PHOTOCAT is to provide water-stable lead-free metal halide perovskite (MHP) materials to be...

POlarization-SEnsitive Imaging Detectors with Organic Nanostructured coatings - POSEIDON

POlarization-SEnsitive Imaging Detectors with Organic Nanostructured coatings - POSEIDON

The development of compact on-chip polarization sensitive detectors is crucial for many advanced detection systems since polarimetry provides complex information that other techniques cannot give. This project aims to add polarimetric capability to imaging cameras by the development of an organic coating based on...

Towards effective Photoacid UV-Responsive hybrId biopOlymeRs: from composITes to all-in-one sYstems - PRIORITY

Towards effective Photoacid UV-Responsive hybrId biopOlymeRs: from composITes to all-in-one sYstems - PRIORITY

High-tech devices including computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, and many small devices such as smartwatch, medical components and dense dynamic random access memories (DRAM) require complex integrated circuits (IC) transistors. Nanoscale patterning is, to date, mostly...

Understanding and controlling defect photophysics for stable and efficient lead-free perovskite solar cells

Understanding and controlling defect photophysics for stable and efficient lead-free perovskite solar cells

Among candidates possibly replacing lead in perovskites solar cells, only tin halide perovskites (THP) have shown significant device efficiencies. Enabling successful application of such materials still requires critical improvements of efficiencies and stability. Two of the main challenges to be overcome are...

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