-Attività di ricerca presso il CNR dal 1986, nell'area della preparazione e dell'uso di enzimi nella sintesi organica e per altri scopi biotecnologici (trattamento dei biofilm, biosensori). Ruolo della formulazione sulla conformazione degli enzimi e sull'attività catalitica.
-Analisi di proteine, lipidi o antibiotici negli alimenti mediante diverse tecniche analitiche
2021- Title: "Citrus waste recycling for added value products -CIRCLE–" Rif. 2020-1070, in the contest of the call ''Economia Circolare – 2020'' Financed by Fondazione Cariplo, Milano, Italy. (Group coordinator)
2021- Title: "Construction of magnetic microbial platforms for sulfate removal from agar of red algae”. Bilateral research project between Italy SCITEC-CNR and the Ocean University of CHINA. Research project financed by CNR (Italy) and MOST (CHINA). Bilateral research project between Italy SCITEC-CNR. (Scientific coordinator)
2018-2021 Title: “Proteolytic Enzymes from Locally Isolated Microorganisms and Their Potential Applications in Textile, Detergent, and Degradation of Proteinaceous Waste Fields”. Bilateral research project between Italy SCITEC-CNR and Preparation and Finishing of Cellulosic Fibers, National Research Center of Egypt. Research project financed by CNR (Italy) and (NRC) Egypt. (Scientific coordinator)
2015-2017 Coordinatore scientifico di Bilaterale Italia e Russia (Faculty of Chemistry, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University) Titolo "Ionic liquids as reaction media and enzymatic stabilizers of formate dehydrogensases catalyzed reactions for biocatalytic purposes and CO2 fixation". Finanziato da CNR e Russian Foundation for Basic Research.
2018-2020 VIPCAT (partecipante)
Biotrasformazioni, conformazione di proteine, tecnologie enzimatiche.
Competenze Scientifiche
Enzimologia, Dicroismo Circolare, FT-IR, fluorescenza, biocatalisi.