Immunomodulatory properties of the Amniotic Stromal cell SEcretome: from Multi-omics profiling to nanotechnoLogy-aided delivery for controlled release in osteoarthritis - ASSEMbLe
Abstract: Aim of the project is to provide significant advancements to the knowledge on the molecular complexity underlying the anti-inflammatory/immunomodulatory properties of the secretome of mesenchymal stromal cells isolated from human term placenta. This will be performed using a multi-omics approach with high throughput technology in order to determine the bioactive components/fractions of the secretome.
Specifically the CNR Research Unit is involved in proteomic analysis and characterization of the whole secretome and extracellular vescicles extracts and their fractions by mass spectrometry based approaches.
This advancement will be implemented in the development of a novel nanotechnology enabling a targeted and controlled release in inflamed tissues through the development of hydrogel-based injectable matrix for an improved cell-free approach for osteoarthritis as the clinical target.
Activity : 2019-2023

SCITEC Contact: Claudia Desiderio head of CNR unit
Email : claudia.desiderio@scitec.cnr.it