Within Sustainable Chemistry and Industrial Biotechnology area his research interest includes:
- biocatalysis, discovery, production and characterisation of enzymes of industrial interest,
- biotecnological process development and design for waste valorisation (lignocellulosic MSW, plastic)
From ancient crops materials and products for the future, VeLiCa; Regione Lombardia; Partecipant ,2011-2013.
Reducing contamination risk and increasing yields in the production of platform sugars from UK MSW, BBSRC, University of Southampton, Partecipant, 2016-2017.
Rice straw to Biogas (R2B), Innovate UK, Straw Innovarion, Partecipant, 2017-2020
Research England Expanding Excellence Fund E3, University of Portsmouth – CEI, Partecipant, 2019
The CEI Expansion – Industrial Engagement Hub project, Solent LEP. University of Portsmouth – CEI, Partecipant, 2021
Cyrcular economy, Biorefinery, Fermentations, Biocatalysis, Anaerobic Digestion, yeast molecular biology
Fermentation process development, biocatalysis, yeast molecular biology, modular cloning, anaerobic digestion, HPLC