1 - Metal oxide nanoparticles
Fundamental studies (exchange coupling at AFM-FM interfaces) and applications as catalysts and theranostic agents. Synthesis by thermal decomposition. Functionalization by ligand exchange. Nanoscale morphology (TEM), structure (ED, HRTEM), chemical composition (EELS, ESI, EDX); magnetometry (SQUID); colloidal stability (DLS and Z potential). Software for analysis of TEM (pebbles.istm.cnr.it) and HRTEM images, DLS correlograms and magnetometric data.
2 - Computational chemistry
Investigation of reactivity focusing on the site- and regio-selection, of 1.3-dipolar cycloadditions using three theoretical tools: conceptual DFT, computational DFT, and post-SCF ab-initio calculations. Our studies always carried out in parallel with experimentation in order to understand the selectivity mechanisms and optimize the synthetic outcome. Recently, we applied these methods to reactions catalyzed by nanoparticles.
Rendering3D - Recycling End of Life permanent magnets by innovative sintering and 3D printing, 2022-2024, ERA-MIN2 Raw Materials (UE), Project Agreement N. XXX, Research Unit coordinator, € 128.570.
Grants obtained as PI:
Materiali magnetici a nanoparticelle con struttura "core-shell", 2005-2008, Fondazione CARIPLO, 2004-1154, € 498.327.
Nanoscienze per materiali e applicazioni biomediche, 2008-2013, Regione Lombardia - 1° Accordo Quadro, € 1.388.889.
Inter-cellular delivery, trafficking, and toxicity of engineered magnetic nanoparticles in macrophages and CNS cells, 2012-2015, Fondazione CARIPLO, 2011-2114, € 1.140.000.
Magnetic-nanoparticle-filled conductive polymer composites for EMI reduction, 2013-2015, Fondazione CARIPLO, 2012-0872, € 456.057.
Ricerca e sviluppo di prodotti e piattaforme tecnologiche per la competitività dell’industria lombarda, 2013-2015, Regione Lombardia - 2° AQ, RSPPTECH, € 1.751.828.
Organization of Symposium NM3 at 2017 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit 2017, US Army Research Office, ARI ID# 158750, 2017, USD 5.000.
Grants obtained as Research Unit coordinator:
Nanoscienze per materiali e applicazioni biomediche, 2008-2013, Regione Lombardia - 1° AQ, Grant N. 4, € 10.000.000.
Rete Italiana di Nanoscienze (ItalNanoNet), 2009-2013, MIUR, FIRB RBPR05JH2P, € 9.000.000.
Ossidi nanostrutturati: multi-funzionalità ed applicazioni, 2012-2016, MIUR, FIRB RBAP115AYN, € 3.810.000.
NANoREG - A common European approach to the regulatory testing of Manufactured Nanomaterials, 2013-2017, UE - FP7, Grant agreement n° 310584, € 48.786.280.
Nuova classe di elettrodi per water-splitting fotoelettrochimico, 2015-2016, Regione Lombardia e Fondazione CARIPLO, 2014-1865, € 52.605.
European Magnetometry Network MAGNET, 2017-2020, EIT KIC Raw Materials (UE), Project Agreement N. 16207, Research Unit coordinator, € 87.006.
Nanoparticles, nanomagnetism, nanocatalysis, nanomedicine, computational chemistry
Thermal-decomposition synthesis of nanoparticles
Nanoparticle surface chemistry
Characterization of nanoparticles, including advanced analysis of TEM, HRTEM, DLS data
Ab-initio post-SCF and DFT molecular calculations
Conceptual DFT