GREEN CHEMISTRY and Sustainability
Polymer mETamateriALs for nanophotonicS - PETALS
Abstract: PETALS introduces polymer science in the field of optical metamaterials for photonics. Metamaterials are artificial structures where properties are mainly defined by architecture rather than composition. For photonic applications a local structure of ca. 10 nm - the meta-atom - responsible for the overall properties is needed. PETALS makes macromolecules key elements of metamaterials exploiting the chemical engineering of their electronic response to control the refractive index. To enhance this property inverse vulcanized polymers, where highly polarizable Sulfur atoms recycled from industry create Sulfur macromolecular systems crosslinked by organic molecules from natural origin, are used. The new metamaterials are used as proof-of-concepts for modern photonics. The European Green Deal is approached in a comprehensive and innovative way where the energetic efficiency of devices for the optical signal handling is joined to the sustainability and recyclability of plastic materials.
Activity: 25 Aprile 2022 - 24 Aprile 2025
SCITEC Contact: Paola Stagnaro, Substitute Principal Investigator
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