GREEN CHEMISTRY and Sustainability
Chromium catalysis: from fundamental understanding to functional aliphatic polymers - Cr4FUN
Abstract: Cr4FUN aims at designing, synthesizing, and characterizing homogeneous and heterogeneous chromium-based catalysts for addressing two key targets in the New Plastic Economy: a) the production of aliphatic polymers with high performance and increased durability and b) the development of polymers from renewable resources and biodegradable (polycarbonates from coupling of CO2 and epoxides). The Cr4FUN team integrates researchers carrying complementary expertise, ranging from synthesis of molecular transition metal complexes and polymers (Giuseppe Leone @CNR), catalysts characterization by means of a multi-technique approach (Elena Groppo @UniTO), to the polymer characterization in terms of molecular structure, physical properties, crystal structure and morphology (Rocco Di Girolamo @UniNA).
Activity: 2019-2022
SCITEC Contact: Giuseppe Leone, Head of CNR Unity
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